Hat: The Hymas by Gigi Pip
Hailey Devine is one of a kind - - - a true "what you see is what you get" kinda gal! Not only are her videography skills unmatched, she is an open book with her talents through mentoring workshops, an avid journal writer, a hardworking mother, devout wife, loving daughter + loyal friend. Whether you've had the opportunity to meet Hailey in real life, or you're still crossing all fingers that you'll bump into her at the grocery store, one thing is certain; when you finally meet, you'll be greeted with a tight hug + a genuine "how are you?!" She cares! She listens! She treats everyone like a longtime friend + lights up the room with that contagious laugh of hers. The life she leads reflects the choice that she continually makes to see the good in all people + in turn, we believe she is changing the world for the better. We are lucky to introduce you to Hailey for our first #THEHATSWEWEAR campaign of 2016.
What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?
I wear many many hats and embrace each and every one... Because each hat completes the who I am. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, video creator, traveler, phone talker, and an avid journal writer.
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
The hat I find most rewarding is my relationship hat. Nurturing my relationships through laughter, tears, sympathy, and service brings me my greatest happiness.
What hats do you find are most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
The hat that I find most challenging is the ability to wear my hats all at once. Being a mother who works from home, balance is something I really struggle with! I literally would do ANYTHING to not disappoint someone... But I am learning that I am only one little Hailey Devine, and although I want to do EVERYTHING, I am not super human.
What hats are least known about you?
I pretty much wear my hats on my sleeve, but the hat that is least known about me on social media is my friendship hat. Since I was little, I've collected best friends. Who says you can't have more than one!? They are my sisters, my cousins, my childhood friends, and my new friends. My days consist of reaching out, serving, and nurturing these dear relationships.
Who or what inspires you?
Music really inspires me! It has a way of lifting my spirits and touching me in such a spiritual way. When I listen, it encourages me to be better - personally and creatively. My biggest inspirations are Mr Rogers and Walt Disney. Mr Rogers used his fame and influence for GOOD. His genuine love for people and good morals changed television forever. He never let his fame change who he was, or his goals. Walt Disney is also my inspiration because he failed numerous times and never lost sight of his dreams. The reason why I love to visit Disneyland so frequently is because I find it so inspiring! All of the magic spawned from one mans vision. Whenever I am there, I am reminded of my own dreams and that the possibilities are endless!

Tag along on future Devine adventures: www.somewheredevine.com