hat: 'Phoebe' by Gigi Pip
Check out the cute way Larissa styled her Phoebe hat + check out her website for more style ideas.
I wear many hats; I am a wife, a mother, an activist, a teacher, a friend... the list goes on! I'm sure we can all relate to a few of these! Being a mother requires that I wear many hats in itself! I'm a caregiver, a playmate, a food source (hello, breastfeeding!), a protector. I love being a mother. I also loved being a Kindergarten teacher to homeless and underprivileged youth. Although I don't do that anymore, I think back often to the time where I was a protector, hero, and caregiver to those students! What a rewarding experience.
As an activist, I try to inspire others daily through videos, inspirational texts, encouraging words, and so forth. I want to help save our Earth; to take care of it, and preserve what's left. It's a daunting task, but one that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
It's honestly all rewarding work - I of course enjoy my role as a mother the most <3
Haha, although it's the most rewarding, being a mother is also the most challenging! Things are constantly changing as my baby grows and develops and it's a new ball game every day, month, and year! Again, I wouldn't trade it! I also find it extremely challenging to be vegan and be an activist in that way. Although concern for sustainability and the vegan diet are on the rise it is still a very "uncommon" thing and my hope is to shed light on some of the issues surrounding those topics and inspire others to do better for themselves and for their children, our future.
What hats are least known about you?